Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


You can get in touch by using the latest contact details always available on our Contact Us page. We have the contact details for the manager as well as a charity trustee contact for emergencies.

You can leave feedback by contacting us using any of the methods on our Contact Us page. We would especially love to hear about ways in which we can improve the services we have available to you. We also have a parent suggestion folder on the table inside our entrance. If you have anything great to say about us it would be great if you could leave us a review on our Google Business Profile.

We would love it if you can tell all your friends and family about us. Some parents are not always aware that we collect children from school so be sure to mention this when you do. You can also follow us on our Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn profiles and like and share our posts.

The telephone numbers on our Contact Us page are the best way to get in touch when there is an emergency. If you cannot get through to the manager there is always the emergency trustee contact and vice versa.

Outside of club opening hours and even sometimes during club opening hours we are not able to answer the phone when staff might be busy looking after the children. When this is the case we will always make sure there is an alternative telephone number left on an answer phone message which you can call us on.


We have two large indoor rooms with lots of space as well as a fantastic outdoor space. We also have a separate kitchen area where snacks, food and drinks can be prepared from.

Yes, we have a fantastic outdoor space that overlooks the river and children are protected by tall fencing all the way round.

Yes, we provide something hot and cold snacks every day and fresh fruit is available. Fresh fruit is regularly supplied to us by local supermarket Morrisons.

Yes, if you let us know about any allergies or preferences when registering your child with us we can be mindful of them. If you have any particular concerns you can of course also discuss these with a member of staff. Parents will be able to help fill out an allergy / food preference care plan with a member of staff before a child starts.

Yes, since we have moved to our new location at Evesham Methodist Church in the centre of town we are very fortunate to have a car park with plenty of space for collecting children safely from our entrance at the back of the church where we are located.


Our latest pricing information is always available on our Sessions page.

If your child is entitled to means tested free school meals or you are currently entitled to any other benefits then there is a likelihood you will be entitled to a free place at one of our holiday clubs. More informaton is available from Wychavon District Council about the Holiday and Food programme and you can also reach out to us with any specific queries.

We submit your details to Wychavon District Council with evidence of attendance. Any checks that are carried happen after that stage to make sure we are able to receive funding on your behalf.

Yes, we accept all child care vouchers and tax free childcare payments. This includes Kiddie Vouchers, Edenred and Care4. If you cannot see your provider please let us know and we will look in to making sure we get registered so we can support you.

At this time we currently do not accept payment via PayPal. The best way to pay is by bank transfer and we can share details with you for this after you are registered.

At this time we do not offer a recommend a friend of referral scheme but it is something we are working on to see if we can encourage more people to spread the word about us.

We are currently fund raising for a minibus that we can use to collect children from school and potentially have other uses for us in the future as we grow. This is currently the best way to donate to us and you can take a look at more information and make a pledge by going to


No, we operate as a charity and we are not a profit making organisation. Although we run as a charity we do have costs and we need to charge something to at least some families for the services we provide.

Yes, we are registered with Ofsted. We keep all of the latest Ofsted information up to date on our Ofsted page including our registered address, setting reference number and latest approval date. In the past we have received a rating of Outstanding (the highest rating possible) and await an inspection at some point in the future at our new location which provides us with much improved facilities.

We currently have seven paid members of staff including one manager and one deputy manager. You can see the latest profiles of our staff including a photo where we have them on our Staff page.

All our staff are qualified in child care to level 2, level 3 or higher apart from one member of staff who is working towards this. All members of staff are trained and qualified in first aid. We are planning to add full qualification details to our Staff page.

The trustees of the charity serve as trustees on a voluntary basis but our staff are all paid members of staff.

Safety and Wellbeing

Yes, we have a safeguarding policy and the latest version is available to see at anytime alongside some of our other policies on our Policies page.

Yes, we have a health and safety policy and the latest version is available to see at anytime alongside some of our other policies on our Policies page.

Yes, we have both a sickness and COVID policy available to see in club and we will be adding it to our website soon.

Yes, all members of staff and all trustees will have at the very least and enhanced DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) check. You can read more about the Enhanced DBS Check as well as the other types of DBS check at

The car park is out of bounds during flooding but there are numerous entrances and exits for staff and children. We do everything we can to keep the clup open. The venue does have flood barriers but when we are advised to evacuate by local authorities we must of course follow this guidance.


You can book a session using links available through our Bookings page. We use a Booking system provided by Kids Club HQ and there is a link with a user guide available on the Bookings page should it be required.

We currently limit the number of children to 40 per day but we are averaging less than 25 currently so we comfortably have room to accept more children and grow.

For children aged 3-5 years we work on a ratio of 1 staff member to 8 children. For children aged 5-10 we work on a ratio of 1 staff member to 10 children. For some of the walk based school collections we reduce the ratio to 1 staff member to 6 children based on the children's needs. All of ratios meet or exceed national expectatons for staff to children ratios.

Unless otherwise stated, our term time sessions run from 15:00 until 18:00 and our holiday club sessions run from 9:00 until 15:00. During the term time you can book for just single hour or for two hours if you would prefer. We are currently looking in to extending our hours after parents have shown interest in this.

Child initiated activities including crafts, messy play, topical activities, football and other ball games and more. We encourage learning through play and social interaction with staff and other children to helping children to develop social skills.

If you need to cancel a booking you can give us a call any time until 10am on the day of the booking and there will be no charge. We ask that you let us know if your child does not need collecting as it allows us to set the right resource levels and operate more efficiently.

Special Educational Needs

Yes, we currently have one child who uses a wheelchair and there is nothing stopping us from accepting more. We have more space at our new location and it is fully accessible.

Yes, our location is wheelchair accessible and we also have a disabled toilet.

Yes, we have a disabled toilet as well as wheelchair accessible entrances and exits.

Yes, we are able to look after children with a wide range of special educational needs including Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Sensory Procecssing Disorder (SPD) and Dyslexia. We have staff tht are qualified and working towards qualification of Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) and they will meet with parents to put a care plan in place to ensure a smooth transiton in starting with us.


Yes, we collect all children from their school when the school finishes for the day. We are also able to collect at a later time after an after school activity if required.

Yes, we can collect children after an after school activity by prior arrangement and this can be included in your booking.

We do not currently have a minibus but we are trying to raise funds to get one. If you would like to make a pledge to our fund raising efforts you can do so at

All children are collected from us at our new location at Evesham Methodist Church in the centre of town. There is a car park at the back right next to the back entrance where our after school clubs are. Your child can be collected very safely from here.